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About Convivio


Editor Piero Giorgi

Assistant Editor Jan Dickinson


Editorial Board

Giovanni Andreoni (Italian Department, University of New England)
Richard Bosworth (Department of History, University of Western Australia)
Colin Brumby (Department of Music, University of Queensland)
Giovanni Carsaniga (Department of Italian, University of Sydney)
Flavia Coassin (Melbourne)
Antonio Comin (School of Humanities, Flinders University)
Alastair Davidson (Centre for European Studies, Monash University)
Bruno Ferraro (Department of Romance Languages, University of Auckland)
John Gatt-Rutter (Department of Italian Studies, La Trobe University)
Gary Ianziti (School of Humanities, Queensland University of Technology)
David Moss (Centre for European Studies, Griffith University)
Tony Pagliaro (Department of Italian Studies, La Trobe University)
Eileen Slarke (College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales)



Minerva E & S - PO Box 98 - St.Lucia, Qld 4067 Australia [ISSN 1322-7971]
Giorgi: fax +617 3365 1299 - email <
Dickinson: fax +617 3358 5911 - mob. 0419 025996
Italian Office: Via Lelli, 11 - 40067 Rastignano (Bologna) Fax: +3951 743310


Convivio is circulated internationally. All articles have been independently refereed.

Convivio provides a forum for contemporary thought on a variety of issues in Italian culture. It is a bilingual digest of academic issues of broad disciplinary interest for advanced university students of Italian Studies and for an educated public.

The focus is upon Italian cultural heritage, upon contemporary Italy as a vibrant modern nation and upon Italian culture as it has developed in other countries. Articles explore the world of ideas with new approaches and elements of originality.

Italian culture is interpreted in its broadest sense by publishing papers in the areas of anthropology, archeology, architecture, education, history, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, politics, science, sociology, technology and visual arts.


Convivio seeks contributions and readership from Australia, Italy and other countries active in Italian Studies. It is distributed to academic institutions and schools, Italian communities and associations throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Inspired by Dante's broad philosophical compilation 'Convivio', this periodical is intended to be a symposium of friends united by the pleasure of discussing Italian culture in an academic context. The periodicity is biannual, with issues in April and October of each year.




All cultural aspects of the past, the present and the future of Italy, people associated with Italy, the Italian language and Italian culture overseas.


Academic level

Authors should target advanced university students and postgraduate students of Italian Studies, not their own specialist colleagues. Articles should be of high academic standard and of interest to lecturers who could use them for reading lists of advanced courses, for discussion at tutorials and as primers for assignments. Material published should also stimulate Italian scholars to keep abreast of new issues and controversial ideas.

Convivio will appeal to academics of all disciplines and to the educated public.



The editors will do their best to maintain a balance between Italian and English. The criterion for selection of articles will be quality, not the need to respect a certain proportion between the two languages.



Articles should be edited in the tradition of academic periodicals, with numbers in the text for notes and references, which are to be listed at the end of the text. Do not use footnote functions. Texts on diskette are welcome (preferably in MSWord for Mac OS or Windows).



For articles the preferred length is 5,000 words. Longer articles may not be conducive to the aim of the journal. Shorter ones may well meet the requirement of generating new insights in the readers.

The section Opinion contains short essays (about 1,000 words) with new or provocative ideas to elicit comments.



Manuscripts (three copies) may be submitted any time during the year, except in the period January-February, to The Editor, Convivio, PO Box 98, St. Lucia, QLD 4067 Australia.


Subscriptions and distribution

Subscription to Convivio (two issues/year) is $25 (ordinary), $15 (students) and

$50 (Institutions). Students should send proof of enrolment. Cheques should be made out to Minerva E&S and sent to PO Box 98, St. Lucia, Qld 4067.

Individuals interested in becoming the LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR CONVIVIO should write indicating their position and involvement in Italian culture and phone or fax number, in order to obtain details on duties and remuneration.


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